Getting Rid of Your Stretch Marks Like a Pro

If you’re just beginning to notice stretch marks forming on your body, don’t be alarmed. Stretch marks are completely natural, and everyone has them at some point in their life. Stretch marks are colored lines or streaks that appear on your skin from weight gain or growth. They’re essentially tears on the skin, but aren’t an indication of your health. Stretch marks often start as red or purple, and slowly fade to white over time. This difference in color can tell you how old the marks are. Though they may never disappear completely, treatment can lighten the color of your marks and shrink them. Curious on how to say goodbye to your stretch marks forever? Here’s a few things you should know about types of stretch marks, treatment and more.

When to Begin Treating Stretch Marks

If you’re just noticing reddish-purplish stretch marks forming, here’s some good news. It’s easier and much better to treat new stretch marks. They start out as red because blood vessels are present under the skin. The presence of functioning blood vessels allows red stretch marks to be more responsive to treatment.

White stretch marks are older and much more difficult to treat. Over time, your blood vessels will narrow, making it hard to stimulate collagen production. Treatment results may not be as drastic compared to those of red stretch marks, but there are options available to help them fade more naturally and at a faster pace.

Get Rid of Stretch Marks... For Good!

There are many ways to treat stretch marks, whether it’s at home creams or exfoliation. A simple way to treat white stretch marks at home is through regular exfoliation. This removes excess dead skin from your body and new skin from your stretch marks. Exfoliating alongside other treatment methods can also enhance your results. Removing dead skin from your stretch marks allows other skin treatments to penetrate more deeply and work faster.

Getting It Done By the Pros

Microdermabrasion is a painless procedure to reduce the appearance of white stretch marks. This procedure targets the upper layer of skin, and works by stimulating the skin to tighten collagen and elastin fibers. In the procedure, tiny exfoliating crystals are sprayed onto the affected area or a special tipped wand is rubbed over the area. Using a wand-like device, the crystals are gently removed, taking with them dead skin from the epidermis layer. For effective results, microdermabrasion needs to be repeated over a period of time.

After the procedure, your skin may feel tight and dry. There may be some redness from the exfoliation. It typically takes 24 hours for your skin to heal. Though effective, this procedure isn’t guaranteed to fully remove stretch marks. The severity of your stretch marks will influence your results.

Microneedling targets the dermis, the middle layer of your skin where stretch marks form. Within this procedure, tiny needles are poked into your skin to trigger collagen production. Increased collagen and elastin promotes skin regeneration that can improve your skin’s appearance and reduce stretch marks.

To effectively treat stretch marks, you’ll need to participate in more than one treatment over a course of months. Microneedling has been shown to be an effective treatment for reducing stretch marks, specifically for patients with darker skin.

Laser treatments are a common treatment option to remove white stretch marks. In the procedure, lasers penetrate the skin, triggering regeneration. This stimulates the tissues around your stretch marks to heal at a faster rate. Laser treatment stimulates melanin production on the affected area, activating pigment cells in your skin. This causes your stretch marks to blend in with your normal skin tone. Though effective, laser therapy requires more than one session to notice results. There are a number of different laser therapies used to treat stretch marks and other skin issues, all of which are offered at Sculpt Cosmedics.

The Bottom Line

Stretch marks are a very common skin issue. White stretch marks are older skin scars that are more difficult to treat than newer stretch marks. However, there are options available to reduce the appearance of your scars if you so choose. Before pursuing treatment, understand there’s a possibility your stretch marks may not disappear completely. If you have questions or concerns about treatment or potential side effects, schedule a visit with Sculpt Cosmedics.

Banish your stretch marks for good - Call (718) 998-9898 for a private appointment!

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